FreeRTOS tutorials
This section regroups tutorials to get started with FreeRTOS and STM32.

It covers FreeRTOS instantiation into an existing bare-metal project and illustrated examples of kernel objects for task synchronization:
- Binary Semaphores
- Mutex
- Message Queues
- Event Groups
- Notifications
- Interrupts
- Timers
- ...
After completing this tutorials, you should be able to:
- Create a FreeRTOS project from scratch on virtually any MCU. What works for STM32 works the same for all ARM based MCU and beyond.
- Invent your RTOS architecture by choosing, among various synchronization mechanisms, those that best meet your requirements
- Implement code using the FreeRTOS API directly
- Make good use of hardware interrupts in the context of an RTOS
- Understand memory usage
- Deploy debug strategies that are specific to RTOS (tracing, memory monitoring) on top of the usual debug approaches (console print, code stepping, etc...)